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Friday, June 10, 2011

TMRevolution Takanori Nishikawa, Special Show at Sanrio

15 anniversary of the debut on May 13 5 TMRevolution Takanori Nishikawa, celebrated the 20th anniversary of Sanrio opened in late 2010 (Tama, Tokyo) reserved the entire hotel, collaborative events commemorating <Thousands Morning Refrain ~ dawn of our -> held.
In this event, the show also appeared in other Sanrio characters, the original sale of goods and menus, show costumes, and perform special airing of the video. Tickets are sold out the same day, the day of the event venue Tsumekake 5,000 fans, TMRevolution grandly celebrated the anniversary of.

The special show, TMRevolution Diadanieru and Hello Kitty and My Melody, Sanrio characters and achieve co-star. Pyurorando 20th anniversary theme of "always will be nakayoku!" Concept, TMRevolution staged a 30-minute show tailored to tell the story of the feelings of gratitude for 15 years.

TMRevolution Takanori Nishikawa played by "TAKANORI" the "Queen of the Night (Dance Fuka)", the story on how to rescue kidnapped Kitty. Throughout the entire song is composed of TMRevolution, Pyurorando 20th anniversary theme song "Thousands Morning Refrain" showed all the six songs, and other.

TAKANORI landed on the ground in the gondola, from the audience: "Congratulations!" Agari cheers, and was put on the magic of Queen of the Night "evil" in a scene that was involved in mind is to work together to audience "TAKANORI" Call other cause, showed a surge Kina Hiroshi.

This collaboration led, in 2005 TMRevolution that goods produced in collaboration with Sanrio Co., the. Then the image song for the 20th anniversary of Sanrio, TMRevolution newly written songs by "Thousands Morning Refrain" decision. In addition, a new attraction which started Mon 3 "The Next Hello Kitty ~ legendary holy staff (stick Kitty) 入Rero hands! -" He became a special supporters. And broadcast messages of support as a special supporter of the movie, appeared for the special commemorative photo photo frame, Takanori Nishikawa is the character of his "Mr. Mbeki" and "Queen Kitty" and sells goods, TMRevolution collaboration with is now spreading variety.

TMRevolution Currently, the album will be about six years CLOUD NINE [] being developed with a national tour. On 22 June, a total of 25 new single and Sports "FLAGS" will be released. However, because he will do various projects worthy of commemoration of the 15th anniversary year will continue to enjoy.

[TMRevolution Takanori Nishikawa an interview after the event;

- Why did you try to implement a milestone event in the Pyurorando What was it?

Nishikawa: Hello Kitty, and I think that was the beginning of my radio show made Koraboguzzu about six years ago. Last year I had also appeared in Shiga Prefecture to conduct Inazumarokkufesu sponsored by me. In that connection, the 15th anniversary and 20th anniversary of one another, to open a big party on that special anniversary commemorative, brought the realization that I would like to get a lot of people smile again.

- Could you tell me and I wanted to express that through this event.

Nishikawa: This was so far you are, thanks to everyone who have supported so far. The "appreciation" is wanted to express my feelings.

- If you have any fondness for scenes Nishikawa's best for this event, please let me know.

Queen of the Night TAKANORI Nishikawa, "You are an adult you anymore" I said to the scene. I certainly was an adult, I'd ... obvious. What's really important that as a person, but I think the Pyurorando of being verified again what a fine. TAKANORI interaction with the Queen is a very deep feelings again, so you can see many scenes like that.

- New attractions besides Pyurorando collaborative event, "The Next Hello Kitty" We just Rassharu I also served as a special supporter. Can you tell me and miss.

Nishikawa: Using unexpected strength, so lighten up and experience the attraction, and also ask you to challenge by all means to you.

- The 15th anniversary that year, future plans and thank you.

Nishikawa: drama and tour this year, with various activities such as Inazumarokkufesu challenge. I would like pushing myself more. In autumn, the musical starring "ROCK OF AGES" do. Very interesting work, I want her to have fun acting.

- "Thousands Morning Refrain ~ Dawn of us -" Abstract:
"Always will be nakayoku!" The concept of the 20th anniversary of the spindle that Pyurorando, TMR tailoring the show to expand on the story and convey the thought that thanks you very much from 15 years.

Conference Date: May 13, 2011 (Fri), 12:00 to 12:30 / 16:00 to 16:30 / 20:00 to 20:30
Cast: TAKANORI (Takanori Nishikawa), Queen of the Night (Dance Fuka), white people, black people, Hello Kitty, Diadanieru, My Melody, Pomupomupurin, Pochakko, Korokorokuririn

[SCENE0] Call & Response
To the rhythm of the original "TAKANORI" slogan to practice.

[SCENE1] PROLOGUE ♪ "Salsa Bazaar"
TAKANORI appeared to ride the gondola, and rejoice in their reunion with Kitty, Kitty would be our Queen of the Night kidnapping.

TAKANORI scramble for help go to their kitty.

[SCENE3 VIOLENCE] ♪ "vestige-Vesutiji -"
Arrived in the country at night. Kitty has been suffering from the Queen's magic in the heart of evil.

[SCENE4 LOST HEART] ♪ "Drops of Dreams", ♪ "magic bullet ~ Der freischutz ~"
Kitty begins the battle to take back, the magic of the Queen's mind TAKANORI "evil" would have been eroded. TAKANORI heart to restore, to work together to place "TAKANORI" to send the call.

[SCENE5 LOVE HEALS] ♪ "Thousands Morning Refrain"
Kitty's mind back, I put a song of gratitude for 15 years to heal the grief of the Queen TAKANORI express one's feelings in a poem.

TAKANORI, our kitty, white people, black people and the queen of the night, everyone join hands, we walked along Pyurovirejji.


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