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It was hard to upload and this has been long overdue that the blog pusiésemos this fantastic concert by the Japanese goddess of music,...
Monday, August 01, 2011
DEATHBIE Q & A : Ritohainsuto DEATHBIE @ Sendai~
First, there were only about 30 guests (^ ω ^)Www big difference with AYABIEBut why are the same people? (^ Q ^)
Member's entrance was at the solemn atmosphere.Costume was a black cloak like hermit ... †I think probably from living in plain clothes in (^ ω ^)
Yappari D.novem is like a full mask.Yamada has a black rose appeared over huge Gurasan.And I'm not
Gurasan from makeup.WW cloak wearing hats as part of Yamada.Did throughout with rose lips.Incidentally, white sneakers today (^ ω ^)
I had complete access to crow like venom mask, makeup around the eyes is probably the hidden Temashita 思Ikkiri long bangs hanging.Well usually the Alps. W ← Mote interest
Such as Big Brother presenter Ritoha Y. divided by two by adding the familiar and Kosuke.
About Me ~ ~Yamada Yamada is the vocals.Alps: The Alps of the guitarRaven: Raven's BaseD9: ... ... presto done
Incidentally, all members voice is low, received by over I'll be talking as Mr. Ken Moro D9 (^ ω ^)Questions immediately speak to the DEATHBIE members so too.
Q: What is the staple food?
D9: (Orz remember sorryToka was the carrot that you? / (^ O ^) \)Yamada: It's Calorie MateRaven: (I have not asked at all. Toka try if Dattara lifeblood of man)Alps: I croquettes.Yamada: (; ◆; ж; ◆;) Butsu
Location: LOL
Q How long does it take to make?
Yamada: It's 8 hours.
D9: 5 minutesI just put on Mon wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Raven: ... that's toward the end of my 45 minutes, the Alps "just around the corner" and mail to
Alps: it 45 minutes
Chair: Mr. Crow's Alps I and I as 45 minutes
Alpine: long hair, it was time for 1 hour, 15 minutes was reduced 切Ttara hair.
I think it strange that a year ago What is your Q1000?(※ DEATHBIE Note: If you are working with members of the same 1000 years ago, awakening from the slumber of 1000 recently resurrected the band.)
D9: convenience store was surprised to have made. Well it is convenient
Raven: If you are surprised that mobile phone penetration
Alps: a guy with increased wash.
Moderator: So the hair is even more flashy young Oh
Alps: a Tsuiteru Tokaiu AYABIE guys that can wash
Yamada: It's just a woman doing the band Motetaku guy ... to me they are seen
Raven: I'll wash, as more and more about recently or something and major debutYamada: You make over eight hours for the stage about 15 minutes like me who can spend hours moving Makeup go change it again after the end of hours, they are such hard guy I do not ...
Karas: w can to do that at 言Wanaku
Q: What is your favorite character?
Yamada: My Melody (firm)
D9: Anime ...? Suffer
Yamada: ... I have put in Malmo?
D9: Nathan I Aremaji interesting! Chatter Book I DVD BOX! ww
Yamada: She (or chan) of each 計算Rashii cuteness.
Chair: What I want D.novem does not like that happening in the Malmo
D9: The Tradition of Malmö will not be the character! (Ww sudden blow one's stack).
Chair: Excuse me breathe!What is your favorite character in?
D9: Keroro when you come right down to it ...?
Chair: Mr. Karas does not?
Raven: It's Donald Duck ...Yamada ... dare to imitate.
Yamada: ... each is special.(Turn around)Ribbit ▽ ♂ ∵ @ § (fake crying Donald)
Lol Venue
Yamada: I got to tell Syd vocals.
Alps: I ... ... and he loves cinnamon Tokaiu Intetsu of the band AYABIE ...He is taken up with the pictures with you and I ...
Yamada: Tarashii'll go to Taiwan with a big guy cinnamon
Raven: (bitter smile)
D9: Seriously disgusting guy and I
Yamada: He is a disease that's in ...
Raven: ... laughs
Q is the type of lady love?
D9: What is it? Mary?
Chair: The lady
D9: What is that woman? Hmm ... ww anyone
Yamada: I'm sorry but I think I hear often from the mask 2 out of 4 ...
Chair: Mr. Yamada does not?
Yamada: It's My Melody (firm)
Moderator: What did you My melody existed 1000 years ago?
Yamada: each was ...
MC: I do!
Yamada, exactly 951 years ago ... but a
Chair: Mr. Karas does not?
Raven: A good woman is good at cooking.
D9: something that's real ... ww
Ya Looking Down
Yamada: This is a tend. Shine Bright Baby, the more (ww) Tetara good or Incidentally dressed as?
Raven: ... that seems Yingying
What is likened to a food and first impressions of yesterday's live Q?
Raven: Live like a strawberry sour yesterday.
D9: I like strawberries you Really
Yamada: (; ◆; ж; ◆;) Butsu
Did ww w00t blowing back toward Mr. JonesDid www pulling its tail about 15 seconds long and I'm desperate laughter Koraeyou
Yamada: I ... yesterday away from the mouth to the microphone than usual, I will take the trouble to Hitomi use a microphone that then it closed about a lipstick black microphone too close to the mouth to the microphone too had been painted with lipstick black I sang.You got me I hear my voice at all too small
Soshitara voice ...
Moderator: What is released so much?
Yamada, usually about this (about touching the mouth or touching), thenThis long (www pick up a voice microphone level) we sang
Moderator: Do you so much! Smile
Yamada: Well ... the food 例Etara With that in mind ... that's strawberries.
D9: Yeah, that's strawberry
Alps: a strawberry but still ...
Yamada: I say yesterday is but tell me I have absolutely no music Tteiu Hedoban Nantes longer a member of the Hedoban one who did not.
Alps: A crow was not even asking ...
Yamada: each saw the crow was something painfully Zhongheng live.
Raven: Live in this mask is a lack of oxygen than expected ... I thought I'll die ...
D9: www not only synchronize with something all my mask
Venue (laughs)
D9: ww I can not even wipe sweat only synchronize
Yamada: I would fly from the wig and Hedoban After ...
Raven: What wig and say Hey nephew
Yamada: It was seaweed.
Raven: Yes, the seaweed
Questions like this I wonder (· ω ·)I forgot where I later down the conversation, after exposure to Tattenham
What do I do that the DS wait Yamada, quick to the chair, What is the cassette? What is asked, but ...
Temashita Pokemon straightforward answer (laughs)
The poor were generally moderate in just cry ...Joe (name) / I'm sorry (^ o ^) apology \
Hermit-like cloak that way, the guy got to make it impossible to say BABY.
Yamada: The Shine Bright Baby ...?
Karas: The Stars Shine Bright Baby!When asked for a w a mistake made
Yamada: A good story but it was out Shimotsuma.
Raven: a likely ...
Yamada: Well ... I have also now become like me Fukada Kyoko-chan!
Karas: each are accustomed.
Yamada: I do ... (Hee-
(^ Q ^) wwww it over I have become over
Raven: I have but I'm going to greet this Forras BABY Sakki while wearing a cloak of this, each was a tremendous white eyes.
LOL Venue
Raven: A person from whom eye contact did not you even patina clerk.
Was like this!
Rest / talk was tough with no handshake Demaji Committee (^ o ^) \
The following is a record I Yutong! !
Source : http://ameblo.jp/ry0ism/entry-10971451436.html?frm_src=thumb_module
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it from someone blog..And I don't know if My translate was right or wrong..LoL
And I'm sorry if there a mistake...-__- 後免(gomen)
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