KinaYume : Personal feelings and thoughts about the world~
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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Q & A

Since i'm bored, i'll find random Q & A myself..πŸ˜‚

What should they teach in school, but don’t?

- Sex pregnant prevent education? These days people jusy do sex.. so yeah.. just prevent.. Or maybe teach something useful for future, work lifestyle.. some teach arent even related n futile.. boring..
Btw i hate school

Is it okay to sacrifice one life to save ten?

-Ah, i'm sorry. I'm the kind of person who would sacrifice 1 for greater purpose. Also I'd rather sacrifice myself so there wont be any issues lolz

How useful would you be in a zombie apocalypse?

-Despite wanting to die. I'd actually prefer to survive until i really die.. cuz i'm curious lolz. Also i'm actually survival person and hardcore type. I'd be swing a bat to blow off the head.. but logically i'm weak physically.. so guns is nice too lolz.. 

What are two things you know you should how to do but don’t?

-I should be independent but i choose to be codependent.. haha.. manipulating is inevitable though i can survive the world.. also maybe i cant survive the world since i wanna die, why even bother to survive.. 
-2ndly, I should study more and gain more knowledge that i'm not interested to just balance my wisdom but i'm bad at it. I'm only interested in human studies.

What is something you’ve done that you wish you could undo?

-I wish i could go back to time when before we were born, existed n asking God to create us as a human. I'd rather not be existed or be any significant to God.. 

What do most people think about you that is absolutely not true?

-Ah~ so many things. Since i'm a born manipulator. I had manipulate my surrounding so much. Everything I act is based on the image i wanted to create in front of them. And depression is just an obscure of hiding my real self. But my real self is not that extreme valueable mystery.. i'm just nothing.. No demons, something big nor monster behind this vague self identity.. Just something small an undentify real self. Better to not exist is the best thing. 
Simply saying. I may seems hate this world n wanna die, deep thinker, deep person, etc. It's false. I'm just not showing my real self. I'm just showing that i'm capable in someway to just manipulate. That's all.

What is something that can’t be taught and can only be learned with age?

Perspective. A perspectivehen that can created an ideal when u're adolescent, child, teenagers, young adult, adult, old adult, old man which can taught u to processing and select which one is ur voices, ur opinions... 

If you could live your life again knowing what you do now, what would you change?

Instead of drowning in pool at 5y.o or cutting wrist at 18y.o.. I'd rather just jump from building when I was 5. When I grew old. This thoughts is balance and my sanity is sane that everything i want to do is distorted with logical and consequences. I'd rather die when young.. not at this difficult age of life..

If you could be born again and choose what nationality, gender, and race to be, what would you choose?

-I wanna be a mix Malaysian n Japanese pls.. mixed blood with a murderer's bloods is interesting.. lolz. 

How much do you judge a person by their appearance?
-Appearance is important but not that important to me. Cuz i have the ability to understand through looks, so through appearance I can see what kind that person is attitude, facial, movements, fashion, their skins, nails, voices, their mind decision,etc but human is still complicated specimens so.. maybe some general opinion. But most important is that appearance 'kind' or 'bad but acceptable' or just 'bad'... 
So yeah i judge appearance. 
But the problem is if i already study that person n know their soul's color n fine with it. No matter how dirty or ugly or beauty but arrogant bitchy u are, i'm fine with it if our chemistry is nice. Girl or boy.. 

What belief do you have that most people disagree with?
-No offence but. I believe there'd be something more after hell n heaven. Maybe reincarnation or not(i dont care which one) but i believe if God wanna something more n He will create something more... if not, then GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE... But yeah we dont know that.. 🀷‍♀️ in then it all depends on God.. i just hope there's nothing moreee ugh... 

Who or what inspires you to be a better person?
-Broken souls are the most valuable lessons to learn. Of course some love to balance.

What makes a person truly evil? Are they born that way or did their environment make them that way?
-Both. U, urselves choose which one to be. 

If science makes it possible to predict which people will be more likely to commit crimes, should the highest risk individuals be jailed or killed before they can commit crimes?
-Kill. As long as they live their 'ideal' thoughts it will last forever in their head. 
If u wanna talk about humanity then just fucking ignore n let the world functioning normally. 

Why are there so many people who are lonely? Why is it so hard for people to make real connections when almost everyone wants to make real connections?
-Is it a sin to be alone n feel lonely?
Affection is necessary but with boundary. 
Logically speaking, it's cuz they're just shy to connected or clueless. Or dont know where to start n go where to maintain the relationship. It depend on the individuals, whether to be friendly or just wait for someone to come into their life... yeah wait until u rot... every connections need mutual efforts, communication and a chemistry.. that's all i can say.. the most basic to start connections. We're not alone, we choose to be alone n hurting ourselves. It's also fine to not have deep connections. Just slow step is fine too. Everything is fine. More to learn n improve. To be a better person.

What are the most common road blocks that stop people from achieving their dreams?
-REALITY my dudes.... πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’
Also effort is necessary, never give up n keep grow,knowledge, support and a damn luck..
Last question...
What keeps you up at night?
-Urgh.... give me an easy question....
-Also maybe bcos i dont wanna live, why not sleep for 2 days n then i can sleep for 2 days straight n time will passed by quickly~~
-Unstable sleeps, fatigue,etc also bad for health. What a nice way to die quickly n quietly~ no one would notice.

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